About Us

About Us

Welcome to Icon Property Pty Ltd

Note: Our Company, ICON PROPERTY PTY Limited’s ACN Number is 095 770 684 – we are NOT nor ever have been in anyway connected to ICON PROPERTY GROUP PTY LTD ACN 612 167 227 who plagiarised our company name and Trademark and with some poetic justice are now in liquidation. We have held the ICON PROPERTY Trademark since 30th June 2002

Home of the ‘Penthouse King’. With over 30 years of experience in property sales and over 10 years specialising in the penthouse market we know what we’re doing and everything we do reflects our mission preeminence in our class. Our marketing activity drives our business and is the difference between Icon Property and our competitors. Superior designs, clever layouts and premium photography are our trademarks. All our brochures and marketing material are designed by specialists in property marketing and are delivered using high quality papers and finishes, reflecting our premium properties. Long standing relationships with the media over many years enables us to secure outstanding editorial for our clients. Editorials combined with advertising is the key to sales success.

Why choose Icon Property?

  • Extensive database with thousands of current potential purchasers from around the world, within Australia and locally in our database
  • Over 30 years of specialised marketing of real estate
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars of free editorials for our clients each year
  • Dedicated focus on “selling” – Icon Property does not offer rental or financial services but can recommend experts in those fields to assist us in enhancing your sale
  • Specialising in rooftop penthouse sales and particularly in $1 -$5 million dollar range. Icon Property has sold multi-million dollar properties from Hepburn Springs, Mt Eliza to Torquay
  • Full sales team on duty Saturday and Sunday when buyers at this level can get together


Meet Our Founder

about-founderDuring a celebrated career that has spanned over 50 years, Robert has set and held record prices for many of Melbourne’s premier apartment buildings.  Nicknamed the ‘Penthouse King’ by one of his competitors, Robert has lived up to the title and is widely regarded by his peers as one of Melbourne’s best.

Holding a position at the forefront of the industry, Robert applies innovative concepts and strategies to deliver unparalleled results for his clients. An early trailblazer, he gained first entry to selling ‘Strata Title’ apartments (prior to this separate apartments could only be owned by company shares) and was the forerunner in adapting a little-known American based IBM program to manage his accounts (banking and book-keeping was done manually by all agents at the time). Committed to raising the bar for customer service, Robert’s team used 2-way radios to streamline communications well before mobile phones and computers were in use.

For the best part of twenty years (1970’s to 1990’s) Robert owned the historic homestead ‘Spray Farm’ on the Bellarine Peninsula and created the popular ‘The Spray Farm Classic’ cross country horse race, televised nationally on ABC for many years. The property was later purchased by David Brown (founder Scotchmans Hill Winery) then sold to Rick Jamieson (breeder Australia’s champion thoroughbred Black Caviar) and is now owned by the former ANZ Banking Group CEO, Mike Smith.

icon propertyRobert riding “Carika” up from the beach at Spray Farm with GELERT alongside
icon propertyRobert walking “Carika” back along the Spray Farm driveway “GELERT”* alongside
icon propertyRobert riding Zeuss Oaklands Hunt Club at Frogmore

In the just under twenty years Robert owned and lived at Spray Farm he had time on his hands. At a dinner party one evening, he was introduced to a casting agent who invited him to do ‘some extra’ work which led to him working on 84 major productions from “5 Mile Creek” starring Nicole Kidman to “Corelli” starring Hugh Jackman.

  • robert
  • robert
  • robert

Robert’s pioneering approach and extensive knowledge of the Melbourne market is elevated by a hands-on approach and a genuine desire to help his clients. Confidential and confident in dealing with everyone from loyal, high profile vendors to new developers, the team at Icon have a strong focus on the highest level of integrity and ethical practice. Today, they continue to set industry benchmarks, harnessing technology with targeted, integrated campaigns that hit the right note with relevant buyers while growing a local and global database of trusted and respected associates.

*The legend of brave GELERT
By Ben Johnson

The story goes that in the thirteenth-century, Prince Llywelyn the Great had a palace at Beddgelert in Caernarvonshire, and as the Prince was a keen hunter, he spent much of his time in the surrounding countryside.

He had many hunting dogs, but one day when he summoned them as usual with his horn, his favourite dog GELERT didn’t appear, so regretfully Llywelyn had to go hunting without him.

When Llywelyn returned from the hunt, he was greeted by GELERT who came bounding towards him …his jaws dripping with blood.

The Prince was appalled, and a horrible thought came into his mind …was the blood on the dog’s muzzle that of his one-year old son?

His worst fears were realised when he saw in the child’s nursery, an upturned cradle, and walls spattered with blood! He searched for the child but there was no sign of him. Llywelyn was convinced that his favourite hound had killed his son.

Mad with grief he took his sword and plunged it into GELERT’S heart.

As the dog howled in his death agony, Llywelyn heard a child’s cry coming from underneath the upturned cradle. It was his son, unharmed!

Beside the child was an enormous wolf, dead, killed by the brave GELERT.

Llywelyn was struck with remorse and carried the body of his faithful dog outside the castle walls, and buried him where everyone could see the grave of this brave animal, and hear the story of his valiant fight with the wolf.
To this day, a cairn of stones marks the place, and the name Beddgelert means in Welsh ‘The grave of GELERT’. Every year thousands of people visit the grave of this brave dog; slight problem however, is that the cairn of stones is actually less than 200 years old!

Whether the story is based on legend, myth or history it is still an entertaining one. Similar legends can also be found throughout Europe.

One of the best known, and loved, folk-tales in Wales is the story of a faithful hound.
Source: http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofWales/The-legend-of-brave-GELERT/